Etude House's Mega Sales in Malaysia + My Obsession with Pink!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Note: This sale is valid to all outlets in Malaysia.
Yes! Something to be noted in my calendar. Etude House will be having their 40% mega sales in Malaysia! Woohoo~
I've been planning to buy some Etude House products for myself ever since months ago but never had a chance to drop by the shop.
I'd seen some examples of their nail polish and really love them, especially the pink ones. Lets take a look at the various shades of pink they have.
*currently obsessed with pink color*
The effect of looking at xiaxue's blog for too long? lol
Since I'm talking about pink over here, I'm going to share about this cute thing I just found out a few seconds ago.
Guess what this is? It's Etude House's solid perfume called Pink Candy. Aww......what a cute packaging!
OK. Enough of pinky stuffs already. Will post more next time. LOL!
Etude house
nail polish

That frustrating & disappointing moment
Friday, July 27, 2012
Yes. I'm frustrated and disappointed with myself.
That frustrating moment when I found out my one week holiday is near the end, I still have so much things to do(assignments, homework, studies, etc) and all I did was studying the 2 chapters of Management.
That disappointing moment when I realized how inefficient I am.
*takes Management textbook and.....*
*cools down and start......*
It's time to chill & relax.
Who cares about assignments or management exam or whatever exams?
It's movie time~
*picks a bar of chocolate and nom.. nom... nom....*
My life

CROSS GENE's debut performance + Can you spot the kpop blooper moment?
Sunday, July 22, 2012
So here comes another new kpop group from the korean music industry.
(Another weird group name.. haha)
I agree that many kpop group nowadays do have really weird names such as Beast, F.Cuz, Ukiss, 2am, 2pm, 4minute, f(x), C.N.Blue, After School, 2ne1, errrr...............and what else?
If you're new to the world of kpop, or trying to introduce these kpop groups to your non-kpop fan friends, they would probably say, "WTH name is that?" "Why that name?" and "Why are there so many groups?"
Yes, I do agree that the kpop music industry is getting a little too saturated nowadays with more than 5 groups debuting each year.
Let me bring you back to year 2008, when I was first introduced to the kpop world by my friends. Back then, I only knew about popular groups like TVXQ, Super Junior, Girl's Generation and Wonder Girls. BoA is the only female solo singer I knew other than Rain, who also famous after starring in the famous korean drama 'Full House'. I'm pretty sure you have watched 'Full House' before. If you didn't, hmm........I don't know but 'Full House' was the first korean drama that I enjoyed watching with my family. Dae Jang Geum(Jewel in the Palace) too!
Ok, come back, come back......what was I introducing already?
Oh, it's CROSS GENE.
Since the amount of kpop groups debuting per year is too much for me, it's hard for me to keep up with all the new groups and songs, not to mention my own life. I've never heard of this group before until I watched the recent korean drama 'Big' did I knew the existence of this group. (Actually, this group just debuted this year) One of the CROSS GENE members acted in that korean drama and through some Youtube comments only that I found out about it.
That's him, the CROSS GENE member, Shin Won Ho in the korean drama 'Big'.
Alright, alright, here's the video for their debut performance.
Did you watch it?
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Seriously, I was laughing all the way at their super weird dance choreography. Was like "What the...? LOL!!! Ahaha!!!" All the way. Actually, I felt a little pitiful for them because a debut performance is suppose to be cool or attractive enough for audience to take a new group seriously but I just can't believe they got this kind of choreography + their song isn't that nice to my ears. It must be quite a disappointment for thier fans. Oh well, they have lots time for improvement so I'll wish them good luck in the competitive music industry.
p/s: Can you spot that blooper moment?
I'm just wondering if he did that accidentally or on purpose? LOL...
Visit this site for more kpop funny/blooper moments.
Source: Image from allkpop.
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cross gene

25 different headband styles of miss A's Suzy in KBS drama 'Big'
Saturday, July 21, 2012
After Suzy's much lovable character as Ko Hye-Mi in KBS drama Dream High back in 2011, she is now back again, starring as Jang Mari in the drama series 'Big'.
Her appearance in the drama had caught the attention of many viewers, not just for her looks but her headbands too.
These are several combined screenshots of Miss A's Suzy taken by fans in her recent KBS2 drama 'Big'.
It seems like Suzy's character as Jang Mari has a stylish fashion sense for headbands.
What do you think? Which are your favourites out of the 25 images?
I definitely have more than one favourite.
Source: Image from allkpop.
Her appearance in the drama had caught the attention of many viewers, not just for her looks but her headbands too.
These are several combined screenshots of Miss A's Suzy taken by fans in her recent KBS2 drama 'Big'.
It seems like Suzy's character as Jang Mari has a stylish fashion sense for headbands.
What do you think? Which are your favourites out of the 25 images?
I definitely have more than one favourite.
Source: Image from allkpop.
Book review: Lone Wolf
Sunday, July 8, 2012
"Sometimes, survival means sacrifice." - Lone Wolf, Jodi Picoult
If you love "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult, you would definitely love this.
I bought this book, "Lone Wolf" during March when I had to spent that free RM200 book voucher before the end of March. Despite the pricing of RM47.90 (after 20% discount) which is higher than the average cost of books out there, I still bought it and yeah, it's totally worth it!
Luke Warren has spent his life researching wolves. In many ways, Luke understands wolf dynamics better than those of his family. His wife, Georgie, finally gave up on their marriage and left him. His son, Edward, fled six years ago, leaving a shattered relationship with his father. Then comes a frantic phone call: Luke has been gravely injured in a car accident with Edward's younger sister, Cara.
Now, Edward must return home to face the father he walked out on at the age of eighteen. He and Cara have to decide their father's fate. How can any family member make such a decision in the face of guilt, pain, or both?
"Lone Wolf" brilliantly describes the nature of a family: the love, protection, and strength it can offer and the price we might have to pay for those gifts. What happens when the hope that should sustain a family is the very thing tearing it apart?
My review:
I have always been a fan of Jodi Picoult although I have not read all of her books yet. What makes me a fan is that Jodi Picoult never fails to write about the importance of family values.
In "Lone Wolf" both Cara and Edward struggles to find the best solution, that is to either end their father's life or continues to let him live with the help of a life support. Both of them have different opinions in deciding their father's life, but with their own reasons. Should they just agree to let go of their father? Or wait for miracle to happen? It is one of life's difficult decisions to make because neither of it is right or wrong. What would you do if you were in Cara or Edward's situation? What would be your decision?
However, miracles don't always happen in Jodi Picoult's books. Unlike the ending in "My Sister's Keeper", the ending of "Lone Wolf" forces us to accept the reality and the fact that miracles don't always happen no matter how hard you wish for it. It also reminds us that sometimes, survival means sacrifice.
Have you read any books written by Jodi Picoult? Are you a fan of her books too? Which one is your favourite?
book review
Jodi Picoult
Lone Wolf

So, July is here....
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Dear i-diary,
Life has been pretty much the same lately. Boring lectures, meeting random people, here and there, completing tutorials and, of course, assignments. *yawnage*
Midterms are around the corner and assignment deadlines aren't far either. That means I will not be able to update my blog that often anymore but I'll try my best to update whenever I can and make them worth reading. Yeah....try. my. best. lol~
Anyway, I've just set up a new blog and am working on it but it is scheduled to launch only at the end of December or maybe next year. Yeah....that'll be my second blog apart from this. I'm so excited!
This blog has been buried here for such a long time that I'm worried it might not even have the chance to see the light anymore. Haha...I'm exaggerating. This blog is getting a silver lining already. I hope it'll get to see the bright shining sun soon.
Not much to write about today. I'm still working on the Lone Wolf book review. It has been in my draft box for toooooo long. Hopefully I can post that review by the end of this week.
That's all I guess.
A student's life
My life

OST of the month
Monday, July 2, 2012
I love listening to slow songs in the still silent night. The atmosphere that it produces never fail to give me some nostalgic moments.
Here's an OST from one of the latest korean drama: Big.
Here's an OST from one of the latest korean drama: Big.