A few days ago, someone asked me this question:
"What should I write about?"
Yes. It's her first time blogging.
That is the same question I asked myself years ago when I first signed up for blogger. Without any knowledge about blogging (I don't even know the existence of blogger or how a blog looks like......(so noob)), I joined blogger because all my friends have it. I'm just a teenager back then (still am) so I guess it's normal for me to follow suit?
So what did I blogged about?

Like most people, I make blogger as my diary and write about my life and thoughts (that's how my blog title is derived). You can have a look here. I didn't bother whether anyone read or visited my blog. It was until recently that I discovered blogger actually provides Stats which makes it easier for us bloggers to monitor our blogs. There are 4 sections:
- Overview - lets you see the number of view on your blog at that moment, day, week, month and overall since the day you started blogging.
- Posts - lets you see what are the popular post others have been reading on your blog.
- Traffic sources - you can know from where your blog readers have been referred to your blog.
- Audience - who are you blog readers? Where are they from?
So after I learned about blog stats, I realised that very few people have been reading my blog. My highest pageviews per month was only 57 (oh pity me~~~). That was when I got motivated and decided to blog more. Within a month, my pageviews per month shot up to 270 which shocks me and motivates me even more. Okay, I know 270 pageviews is a pitiful amount compared to those experienced bloggers who can reach 1000 pageviews within a day but who cares.......at least I got some encouragement.
I've been a blogger for 2 years, laying inactive until 6 months ago. Of course I've visited quite some blogs, often seeing the nuffnang logo in them. But I've never questioned about the logo until yesterday. Out of curiosity while visiting one of the blogs, I clicked on the nuffnang logo and was immediately directed to their website. That was the moment I regretted for not finding out what nuffnang was. Nuffnang is an online blog advertising community which can help you make money (provided if you are a successfulblogger). Damn! I should have signed up for it earlier. I should have signed up the moment I created this blog! Arghh!!! Who knows I might have earned RM0.50 or RM1.00 if I did. Who knows right? And hey! RM0.50 might look pitiful but it's still money. RM0.50 can buy you a tiny packet of chips that can probably last your hungry stomach 30 minutes. I'm serious. RM0.50 is a lot of money! Go watch the video. XD
Okay, end of my ranting. Now, to the main point:
What should beginner bloggers do?
- Go sign up for nuffnang or adsense or any advertising community that can let you earn money while blogging! Imagine earning while doing something you like. It's call killing two birds with one stone. (unless you're not interested in money?)
- Post something of your own interest. Be it about your daily life, fashion or cars. As long as you post something, there will be people reading it.
- Post a lot. Yes, I mean A LOT! Many! Like almost a blog a day. (but I fail to do so because I'm lazy)
- Design your blog to you own liking. Make it cute and lovely, dark and secretive or just simple. A beautifully designed blog can attract readers too. It's like an appetizer to readers.
- Make your posts as interesting as possible too. Images and videos are some of the ways to add spices to your posts.
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